Why injection molding?
After getting past the upfront cost of tooling, which may be between five thousand dollars and several thousand dollars, plastic injection molding offers the fastest least expensive way to manufacture plastic parts. New products are made using injection molding every day. Several existing parts are being reinvented. Products originally made of wood, steel, glass and several other materials have been and are continuing to be transformed into plastic injection molded parts. The more parts you need manufactured the higher potential return on investment becomes.
Injection molding materials are being improved constantly which is why a non-injection molded product you may be using now may be costing you more than it should. You should take a look once a year at products that you either buy or manufacture in quantities in excess of 5,000 units annually to determine if you should convert them to injection molded parts. What once didn’t make sense due to materials not meeting your specifications, may make sense now. Some parts by their design alone require injection molding as the method of manufacturing. The rate of new highly engineered resins being introduced to the market is one reason to investigate your products potential for reducing cost while improving performance, appearance, and speed to market. Don’t let your competition get there before you do.
Here is a great video describing the injection molding process